I can’t stress this enough… Men need headshots too! If I had a dime for every guy that mentioned how much they hate being in front of the camera I’d be richer than Opera. We all get it! It’s not easy to step in front of the camera.
I’m here to change that all for you! Here are my top 3 favorite poses for professional headshots for both men and women.
1.) The Lean
This is normally how I like to start clients off for their headshot session. It’s relaxed and laid back. Bonus points if you have a few dad jokes to get them to crack up a little. Bonus tip One of my biggest pet peeves is when guys don’t tuck at least one of their hands somewhere! Slip that hand in your pocket and you’ll immediately transform the pose.

2.) The Thinker
No, No. No nudity involved in this pose! Another great pose to get guys to relax a bit. A great prompt could be “give me your best thinking man” or “hold chin up while contemplating world hunger”. The prompt ideas are endless!

Are these pose names getting to you yet? LOL
3.) The Finisher
This one to me is pretty normal to include in your headshots. It’s what the majority of professionals associate with headshots and what most corporate-level companies expect. But don’t let that scare you away from trying out other poses, but definitely still always include this one in the line.
Be careful not to shoot up the nose or down at people. If you need find a safe chair to stand or lower yourself so that you are more at eye level. If not you can create some pretty unflattering angles for people. Trust me. I’ve been there.

There you have it, folks! My top 3 favorite headshot poses for men and women. Let me know. Did you find this blog post helpful?